Hershey Company - Cataño, Puerto Rico

1 Reseña
Nombre de la empresa
Hershey Company
Royal Ind'l Park, Cataño, Puerto Rico
Número de teléfono


1 Reseña
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I have been a Hershey consumer for decades and I am very disappointed ( upset) and disgusted that you put yellow 6 and red 40 in the Hershey's milk chocolate cherry cordial!... WHY??? Have you always put food coloring in your products?? I guess I just trusted your co. and thought you used healthy ingredients!! I just noticed it. Don't you know that artificial food coloring is BAD AND CAUSES ALL KINDS OF HEALTH ISSUES??? I will not buy any more of Hershey products until you clean up the ingredients!!!!!! I am letting all the people I'm IN CONTACT WITH TO AVOID YOUR PRODUCTS!!!
I JUST BOUGHT 10 BAGS FOR MY THANKSGIVING BASKETS; THAT I MAKE EVERY YEAR. Well I guess I will be taking them back to the store!!!

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