Texaco Levittown Inc - Puerto Rico

1 Reseña
Nombre de la empresa
Texaco Levittown Inc
Metro Office Park, Pueblo Viejo, Puerto Rico
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1 Reseña
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Un-profesional staff
I went to pump gas to my car and the store door was lock. I knock few time to see if the two employees look at me to tell me that is closed or waiting a minute anything but they ignore 4 customers by the entrance door. 6 minutes later the young lady came to unlock the door turned out and I ask.. ' excuse me why you ignore us atthe door like no one is at there? So she said ohh we were changing turn, so I told her: at least let us know.. at that moment a guetto lady yelled at me saying "what is your attitude? Saying S.O.S words. I told her.. is not attitude is just a question to her.. so that lady told me that there were a sing at the glass on the other side that read "changing turn. I told her "I didn't see anything and that sing should be at the entrance door where ppl could read it and all of that won't be necessary to happen. The employee laught at the moment the guetto lady started cursing at me. If I decided to argue with the guetto lady, the story will be different because could cause a fight or something worse inside of your store. 1st: Customers Service is zero
2nd. The change turn sing should be at the door where customers are get in.
3rd. Employers never disrespect a customer and do not allows any customer speak S.O.S to
anyone specifically if you have customers on line.
You should give to you employees a training that learn how to treat customers that pays your salary and could never come back. If they don't like the job, hire new employees.

Even I was disappointed on what happened and I extended my apologies to the employee at the end of my purchase.

Customers started talking about the rude of the employees and the guetto lady.
If this happens to someone that don't care any consequences the situation might be different, something innecessary.

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