Colegio Luterano Resurreccion - Carolina, Puerto Rico

1 Reseña
Nombre de la empresa
Colegio Luterano Resurreccion
Calle 246 y 272 Cty Club, Carolina, Puerto Rico
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1 Reseña
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This school didn't prepare me for college, in my case I took my time to study by myself. For my case it's alright I suppose, but for kids who are having a harder time getting along with their grades, it's terrible.

I really hope things change since the day I joined, and left. I really dislike this school, and I don't mind it shutting down.

If you want your kids here, you better think twice. I recommend that you get them to a better school. Good luck, and happy future.

Preguntas y Respuestas

Saludos verificando si tiene matricula para 11 y cuanto es costo

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