Reseña sobre So Eventful by Jessica

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So Eventful by Jessica

Our wedding was amazing thanks to the job and effort So Eventful by Jessica did. All was better than we imagine. My husband is in the United States Coast Guard, and because of that, we had to quickly plan the wedding in only 3 months. We didn't have a large budget, and Jessica did a wonderful job looking for vendors that suited to it. That was not easy, but she did. So Eventful was very careful with the details, before and during the wedding. Our venue was an outdoor place, and one hour before the event, started raining. The decoration was under a tent, but some tables got wet anyways. Jessica, and her staff, fixed everything and when the wedding started all was perfect again. We really appreciated the job of these caring and professional people. Their job was exceptional and everyone was happy and amazed with all the details at the party.

Mi boda fue planificada en poco tiempo, pues mi ahora esposo estaba preparándose para entrar al Coast Guard, así que sólo tuvimos tres meses para planificarla y un presupuesto muy limitado. Jessica consiguió suplidores que se ajustaran a nuestro presupuesto y la boda quedó espectacular. Jessica fue muy profesional, determinada, responsable y le prestó mucha atención a los detalles, para que no faltara nada el día de nuestra boda. Se comunicaba varias veces en la semana para mantenernos al tanto de cómo iba todo y para ofrecernos recomendaciones. De veras que hizo maravillas con el presupuesto, porque mi boda quedó muchísimo mejor de lo proyectado. Como en toda boda, siempre ocurren detallitos previos al evento que nos quitan la paz y ponen nerviosas a las novias, pero ahí estuvo Jessica para solucionarlos y buscar alternativas para que todo quedara como planificado. Gracias So Eventful por todo su esfuerzo. Nuestra boda quedará en nuestra memoria para toda la vida.

It was a real pleasure to work for you guys . It was worth all the effort and work. Your wedding was emotional, elegant and fun. I loved your positive attitude throughout all the process . I'm glad you enjoyed your special day. I wish you a very beautiful and blessed marriage. Thank you for trusting So Eventful by Jessica and our Total Wedding Planning Services.

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